and Regulations concerning this SpeedSkating contest 1999/2000 by the board
of refferees.
One has to choose,
one skater (male and female) for every distance in the Worldcup. The total
of 8 speedskaters represents your team during the coming Worldcup season.
The points those skaters get during the Worldcup and the World Championships
Single Distances are totalled and thus form your total points. After the
Worldcup season is over there are double points at the World Championships
Single Distances. The scoring system is explained at this page.
The method of calculation overhere.
Subscribing is free,
there's no real money involved in this game. is a very serious
game. Players are called Coaches.
Entering a team
in the contest is done via the Subscribe
page format en sending the form as an attachment to Kjell Pettersen before
10th 1999 24.00 hrs. Entries will be kept a secret untill shortly before
the first World Cup race. Unless you yourself reveals them to the public
via the international Speedskate mailinglist, off course!
The points your
skaters get during the season are totalled and, at the end of the season,
the person with the most points gets the professor Nils Lid Hjort award
(as in eternal fame and glory ;))) for being the best coach in the season
Of course, everyone
wants a team with Shimizu, Søndrål, Ritsma, Wennemars, Timmer,
Witty, Niemann and Pechstein. Therefore we’ve made it a little difficult.
Almost every skater that performed in the last season during Worldcup or
Campionships has gotten a fictional cost in $. This cost is based on his/her
achievements in the past season. A few skaters have gotten an extra cost
because they suffered from injuries during last season or they decided
to come out of their retirement right now.
One gets a budget
of $20 million and you can buy skater for a total of that. You can’t spend
more than $20 million on your team. From your budget you need to spend
at least 75%.
If you want
to buy a skater that is not on the list, please contact the organization
(no, Eric Heiden isn’t for sale). If you buy a skater for, say the 500
meter, you don’t score the points this skater gets on the 1000 meter. You
can, however, put the same skater in your team on more distances, but you
have to pay for each distance.
In the skaterslist
you find, for every distance, the costs in dollars for every skater(F/M).
But beware....there might be some skaters in the list that quit skating
this summer. Read SpeedSkating World
for the latest news on this. Or visit the
Viking 87 site for other links that might give you some clues! Skaters
that are not in the list cost $100.000.
the season you can make changes in your team on two occasions.
1. In
the period between Warsaw and Innsbruck. Team changes must be entered before
December 9th 24.00 hrs.
2. Between
Heerenveen and Nagano; entry date closure Thursday March 2nd 12.00 hrs.
work with the subscribe form as well.
Your man on the 500 meter is injured and you want to change him for a fresh
skater. You’ll keep the points your, injured, man got so far and will start
collecting points with the new man in the following Worldcups. Skaters
that are changed give you their original costs back. For new skaters you’ll
pay the amount they would’ve cost at the beginning of the season. Of course
you still have to follow the above rules (you can’t spend more than your
budget, you have to spend at least 75% of your budget). If you make changes
in your team after the above dates the changes will be ignored.
If a skater doesn’t
start on the distances he’s in your team for, you won’t receive any points
for that race.
Points in the B-group
will be counted as in the A group of the Worldcup competition. Seeding
points will not be counted.
If you want to participate
in the skating contest you have to send your team before Nov 10th
to Kjell Pettersen. Everyone can send in one team (but no more than
In case of doubt
the refferees (Paul Hanlin Jr, Kjell Pettersen, Kees de Vroege and Hennie
van der Salm) will have the final word on every decision.In
case the votes are even, the score keeper can also vote.
The people involved
in the organising committee:
van der Salm, (NL), refferee
Hanlin Jr., (USA), refferee
Pettersen, (NOR), refferee & entry registration
till closing dates.
de Vroege, (NL), refferee, value ranking & score keeping controller;
van Kesteren, (NL), score keeper, statistics, analysis & web publishing.